How to Setup a New Ubuntu Machine for Machine Learning Projects
In this blog I keep track of what I have configured my new Ubuntu machine for machine learning projects.
Part 1: System Setting
(1) Operating system
Ubuntu 18.04/22.04 LTS
(2) Settings from previous Ubuntu machine
- .ssh
- .bashrc
- .hgrc
(3) GPU
a) check the GPU information by using
`sudo lshw -c video`
, and you will know what kind of GPU you have in your PC.
b) `sudo ubuntu-drivers devices`
find the GPU driver version that is recommended
c) install the recommended version `sudo apt install nvidia-driver-version-number`
or use `sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall`
, letting the computer choose the recommended GPU driver version for you. Keep an eye on the connection between GPU driver version and CUDA version: your GPU driver version will determine what kind of CUDA you can use in the container (as well as the host machine).
d) reboot the machine
e) nvidia-smi
(4) Docker
a) Install Docker Docker
b) Install Docker Container Toolkit
Part 2: Apps
- Terminator
sudo apt-get install terminator
- How to Install Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 18.04
- conda
curl -o ~/ && \
chmod +x ~/ && \
~/ -b && \
rm ~/ && \
conda update conda && \
conda update --all
- pycharm
#option 1
umake ide pycharm /root/.local/share/umake/ide/pycharm
#option 2
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/opt/pycharm/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc
see How to Install Anaconda in Ubuntu 22.04
- sqlitebrowser
apt-get install sqlitebrowser
- vlc for .mp3
sudo apt-get install vlc
- documentation with markdown
sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-base
sudo apt-get install texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-latex-recommendedsudo apt install texlive-pictures
sudo apt-get install pandoc
- mkdocs
We normally install mkdocs in a new Conda environment, where we will install the following packages:
# install mkdocs in the environment