My Fastai Course Note (16): The Training Process

3 min readNov 25, 2020


This note is based on Fastbook.

  1. SGD with Momentum

It works particularly well if the loss function has narrow canyons we need to navigate: vanilla SGD would send us bouncing from one side to the other, while SGD with momentum will average those to roll smoothly down the side. The parameter beta determines the strength of the momentum we are using: with a small beta we stay closer to the actual gradient values, whereas with a high beta we will mostly go in the direction of the average of the gradients and it will take a while before any change in the gradients makes that trend move.

With a large beta, we might miss that the gradients have changed directions and roll over a small local minima. This is a desired side effect: intuitively, when we show a new input to our model, it will look like something in the training set but won't be exactly like it. That means it will correspond to a point in the loss function that is close to the minimum we ended up with at the end of training, but not exactly at that minimum. So, we would rather end up training in a wide minimum, where nearby points have approximately the same loss (or if you prefer, a point where the loss is as flat as possible).

fit_one_cycle by default starts with a beta of 0.95, gradually adjusts it to 0.85, and then gradually moves it back to 0.95 at the end of training.

2. RMSProp

The main difference from SGD is that it uses an adaptive learning rate: instead of using the same learning rate for every parameter, each parameter gets its own specific learning rate controlled by a global learning rate. That way we can speed up training by giving a higher learning rate to the weights that need to change a lot while the ones that are good enough get a lower learning rate.

How do we decide which parameters should have a high learning rate and which should not? We can look at the gradients to get an idea. If a parameter’s gradients have been close to zero for a while, that parameter will need a higher learning rate because the loss is flat. On the other hand, if the gradients are all over the place, we should probably be careful and pick a low learning rate to avoid divergence. We can’t just average the gradients to see if they’re changing a lot, because the average of a large positive and a large negative number is close to zero. Instead, we can use the usual trick of either taking the absolute value or the squared values (and then taking the square root after the mean).

3. Adam

Adam mixes the ideas of SGD with momentum and RMSProp together: it uses the moving average of the gradients as a direction and divides by the square root of the moving average of the gradients squared to give an adaptive learning rate to each parameter.

4. Decoupled Weight Decay

The other name of weight decay is L2 regularization, which consists in adding the sum of all squared weights to the loss (multiplied by the weight decay).

5. Callback

Fastai uses a lot of callback functions:

The real effectiveness of this approach has been borne out over the last couple of years — it has turned out that, by using the fastai callback system, we were able to implement every single new paper we tried and fulfilled every user request for modifying the training loop.

As an example, here is the fastai source code that is run for each batch of the training loop:

self._split(b); self('begin_batch')
self.pred = self.model(*self.xb); self('after_pred')
self.loss = self.loss_func(self.pred, *self.yb); self('after_loss')
if not return
self.loss.backward(); self('after_backward')
self.opt.step(); self('after_step')
except CancelBatchException: self('after_cancel_batch')
finally: self('after_batch')

The calls of the form self('...') are where the callbacks are called. As you see, this happens after every step. The callback will receive the entire state of training, and can also modify it. For instance, the input data and target labels are in self.xb and self.yb, respectively; a callback can modify these to \the data the training loop sees. It can also modify self.loss, or even the gradients.



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